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October 11, 2021

Car Ownership 101

a man checks the oil in the engine Stewarts Donnybrook Auto Tyler TX

Every time you get into your vehicle, you’re trusting it with not just your life, but the lives of your loved ones and those you share the road with. Car ownership and properly maintaining your vehicle are big responsibilities.

As trusted, local mechanics with the oldest full-service gas station in East Texas, Stewart’s Donnybrook Automotive believes in top-of-the-line car maintenance and repairs. We understand the trust between a mechanic and a car owner is paramount. Unfortunately, many car owners neglect their vehicle’s maintenance due to not knowing a trustworthy mechanic. Part of our integrity as a business comes from taking our relationships with our clients and their vehicle safety seriously.

Maintaining your vehicle and keeping it in top condition, as well as safe to drive, is a balance between you as the owner and your trusted mechanic.

Here’s a breakdown—Car Ownership 101–to help make the responsibility of car ownership a bit easier:

Scheduled Maintenance

Making sure you schedule routine maintenance with your local vehicle garage is one of the most important parts of car ownership. Too often, it’s a part that people overlook. During your car’s “checkup,” the professional mechanic will check your vehicle’s belts, air conditioner and heating units, oil filters, lights, and engine function. They’ll make sure everything is in proper working order and safe to drive.

Maintenance is preventative care for your vehicle and can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in repairs. Unfortunately, too often, people put off their vehicle maintenance until something goes wrong. The costs of an oil change and general inspection are much less than replacing an expensive part or paying for an accident due to faulty parts. Just like going to the doctor for a checkup or the dentist for a cleaning, taking your car for routine scheduled maintenance helps keep it from breaking down.


Before you even purchase a vehicle, you should look into car insurance. Have an idea of what type of insurance you want/can afford. Insurance isn’t an option—most states require it.

Auto insurance covers a range of things in the event you’re at fault in a car accident. It covers everything from car damages, to medical bills, to legal fees if that’s necessary. Auto insurance is there to protect you. If you’re in an accident, having insurance means you won’t have to pay out of pocket for costs that are incurred.

Seasonal Maintenance

Part of maintaining your vehicle is making sure it’s ready for the change of seasons. East Texas weather is hot and rainy. It’s important to make sure your vehicle is ready for both. Take your vehicle for a seasonal maintenance inspection to ensure your air conditioning is working properly, your headlights and taillights are functioning, and your windshield wipers are working well. Keeping up to date with seasonal maintenance can make all the difference in extreme heat or stormy weather and helps guarantee a safe, comfortable drive.

24/7 Roadside Assistance

Whatever vehicle you drive, it’s important to make sure that you and your family will be taken care of in the event of an accident or breakdown. We try to control all variables when it comes to taking care both on the road and off, but accidents do happen. And so do breakdowns and flat tires. Being prepared can make all the difference. Investigate how to access having 24/7 roadside assistance.

Roadside assistance is offered through multiple venues. Check to see if your local mechanic offers roadside assistance and/or evening and weekend assistance. Especially if you drive locally, it’s good to know that your trusted mechanics will come to the rescue if you need help. AAA and other car insurance also offer roadside assistance. When you’re choosing car insurance for your vehicle, inquire whether roadside assistance is part of the package. Knowing help will come if you’re in trouble is priceless for your peace of mind.

Trusted Mechanic

Owning a car is about so much more than just the car itself. It’s also about trust. Trust that the vehicle you’re driving will get you and your precious cargo to your destinations safely. And trust that your mechanic will do their best to maintain your vehicle and keep it from breaking down. When deciding on a car repair/maintenance garage, make sure they’re experienced. Experience counts a lot when it comes to vehicles.

What do other locals/reviews have to say about them?

Do they know how to work on your brand of car/truck, and are they certified? Make an appointment and visit your local mechanic shop and see what you think. Trust your instincts—will this mechanic work together with you to maintain your car? If the answer is “Yes,” car ownership just got a little easier.

Stewart's Automotive on Donnybrook. All Rights Reserved.