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December 29, 2022

How To Check Your Car’s Oil and Why It’s So Important

How To Check Your Car’s Oil

When was the last time you checked your car’s oil ? 

Let’s back up: Do you know how to check your car’s oil ? 

Making sure your car has oil is a very important routine maintenance item if you want to keep your car running smoothly—or running at all! 

Stewart’s Donnybrook Automotive, a full-service garage in Tyler, East Texas, knows that checking your oil can be intimidating—but it doesn’t have to be. Learning this simple skill can help keep your car from breaking down. 

Let’s start by explaining what oil does for your car, truck, or SUV’s engine. 

The purpose of oil in your car is to lubricate and protect all of the moving parts of your engine. 

Without oil, your engine will seize, and your vehicle will no longer move.  Basically, oil keeps your engine alive !! 

Not only does oil keep your car’s engine lubricated—it also helps clean and cool your engine components. 

So, the moral to the story is that your car will break down and leave you stranded if you don’t make sure there’s enough oil in it.     

As anyone who’s ever been confronted with a seized engine can tell you—it’s not good and can be very expensive. You might even end up needing a new car and, at the very least, roadside assistance or evening/weekend assistance when you break down. 

All in all, it’s much simpler and less expensive to check your oil and keep your vehicle maintained. 

Now let’s be honest: Do you wait until your oil light is on before you check your oil or get an oil change? 

If so, you’re playing a dangerous and potentially expensive game with your engine. If it’s to the point where your engine oil light is coming on, it’s imperative that you check your oil level immediately !! 

For many of us, the next question is—Ok, but how? 

If you’re not able to go right to your trusted local car repair shop for an oil change/maintenance check, then you’ll have to be brave and do it yourself…….. 

The good news is that it’s easier than you think ! 

It’s also an important thing to know how to check your oil properly.  Knowing basic car maintenance can be a big help in tough times like during a breakdown. 
First……one very important thing to always keep handy in your phone is the contact phone number to your mechanic…… number and after hours number.    If you have any questions, being able to get in touch with your mechanic is priceless !!      

Preparing to Check Your Car’s Oil 

·  Most cars should have their oil checked when the engine is warm. A good time is after you’ve let your engine warm up for a few minutes.    

·  Park your car or truck on a level surface. 

·  It’s always a good idea to read your manual before you begin and keep it close by in case you have questions. 

·  Have a few clean paper towels or rags ready. 

How To Check Your Car’s Oil 

  1. Open the vehicle’s hood and make sure it’s securely held in place. 
  1. Locate the oil dipstick. You might need your manual, although some cars have them conveniently labeled. 
  1. Take out the dipstick and wipe it clean. 
  1. Once it’s clean of oil residue, look for two marks at the bottom of the dip stick…….these are the minimum and maximum oil levels. 
  1. Reinsert the dipstick and leave it there for a moment…….then slowly pull it back out.    
  1. Check where the oil has marked the level on the stick.   
  1. If you see that the oil level is below the full mark you definitely need to add oil. 

It’s also important to note when you last had your oil changed or last added oil.   Knowing how much and how often you are having to add oil to your engine is very important in determining if you might have a bigger more serious issue to deal with.    

Learning how to check your car’s oil is important for many reasons, but a big one is so that you can be ahead of the game when it comes to something going wrong with your car. Unfortunately, not only can such fixes be expensive—but they can also be dangerous if your car breaks down on the highway. 

Be prepared to check your oil, but also make sure you schedule your vehicle for regular basic checks. This can include your tires, brake fluid, transmission fluid, oil and oil filter, belt, hoses, power steering fluid, and more. 

Being proactive and knowing a few things about how to check your car yourself will help save you money and stress. 

If you’re experiencing trouble checking your vehicle’s oil – don’t worry !  A mechanic at your local auto repair shop can always take a look for you quickly and efficiently.     

Stewart's Automotive on Donnybrook. All Rights Reserved.