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October 18, 2024

Top 5 Signs Your Car Needs a Tune-Up

Do you know when your car needs a tune-up?
Local auto mechanic shops—in East Texas and beyond—see it all when it comes to vehicle maintenance and repair. Mechanics handle everything from oil changes and brake replacements to fixing damage from fender benders and everything in between.

Because it’s possible your vehicle will break down before you get it in for maintenance, it’s a good idea to have a trusted local auto mechanic shop on call in case you need roadside assistance. Mechanics such as Stewart’s Donnybrook Automotive in Tyler, Texas, provide evening and weekend assistance if you need help.

When your car, truck, or SUV needs a tune-up and other services like engine diagnostics and tire maintenance, it’s important to visit an auto mechanic as soon as possible. Once you notice something out of the ordinary, don’t wait to get the issue checked out.
Not only could the problem become more expensive if left undiagnosed—it could also be dangerous. This is especially true when it comes to important car safety components like your brakes.

Here are some of the top signs your car needs a tune-up:

1. Is your car suddenly making strange noises?

One of the easiest ways to tell if your vehicle needs a trip to your local auto shop is if it suddenly starts sounding…different.

There are many sounds your car or truck might start making, but a change in how a vehicle sounds is something to get checked out right away. You can help your mechanic diagnose the problem by isolating the sound to a specific area of the car.

Things like squeaking and grinding when you hit the brakes probably mean you need new brakes; a sudden squealing could indicate you need a new fan belt; a clanking noise could mean…well…a lot of things.

Whatever the sound, it’s important to get it identified and fixed by a professional mechanic.

2. What does it look like when your car overheats?

A very obvious sign that you need to get your car into the mechanic as soon as possible is if steam suddenly starts coming out of your hood.

Steam coming out of your engine is a sign your car is overheating. A car might be overheating for any number of reasons—issues with the water pump, problems with the radiator’s fan, low oil, etc.
This is a problem that can ruin your engine if it’s not attended to quickly. It could also lead to a breakdown. Neither are good options, so if you notice steam coming out of your hood, turn off your car and get it into your local mechanic right away.

3. Are your car’s dashboard warning lights on?

We all know that person whose car warning lights turned on, but they don’t seem to care.
If it’s you…don’t be that person! Your car’s dashboard lights are there for a reason, and paying attention when they turn on could mean the difference between an expensive fix or even a breakdown.

Some lights indicate important issues like whether your engine is overheating or if you’re low on oil. Both issues are crucial to address immediately to avoid bigger problems.

4. A car stalling isn’t a problem to “wait and see” on.

Is your car suddenly stalling when you try to start it? When you’re at stop signs?
If so, you need to get it checked out with a mechanic ASAP. The reasons a car stalls are many, ranging from problems with the battery to ignition issues to fuel pump problems and many more.

No matter what, your car stalling is a sign of an issue getting bigger, so getting your vehicle in for a tune-up as soon as the stalling problem starts is a good idea.

5. You step on your brakes, and…

Anyone who’s ever gone to step on their brakes and had them falter, or worse yet, not work at all, knows how scary it can be.
If you notice that your brakes are making grinding or squeaking noises, stutter when you step on them, or don’t seem to be working as well as they used to, it’s important to take your car into your mechanic right away.
If your brakes stop working, it could cause a serious accident.

There are countless ways your vehicle “shows you” it’s time for a tune-up. By paying attention to how your car or truck sounds, handles, and the details such as warning lights on the dashboard, you’ll have a better idea when something is going wrong.
Being proactive and catching any problems before they become bigger saves you money and helps keep you and your passengers safe.

Call your local East Texas mechanic and schedule a tune-up today!

Stewart's Automotive on Donnybrook. All Rights Reserved.